from my FunkyHand mate craftlingscosycorner.blogspot.com/Thank you
The rules are as follows
1 The winner can put the link on their blog
2 Link it to the person you received award from (not sure how to do this)
3 Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4Put links of those blogs on yours
5 Leave message on blogs of people nominated
6 Wear a posh rock if you like lots of bling and make a speech but sorry no red carpet
I would like to thank my mum and dad, my dogs, my husband for always being there for me and who made all this possible- sob-sob-without them this could not have been achieved and I am forever -sob - in their debt
Oh sorry thought I was getting an oscar there!
i would like to nominate(probably all already been nominated)
Thanks for thinking of me Allison but I have already been given this award....but it's the thought that counts
Thanks hun :o)
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