Tuesday 27 December 2011

Little Round Up of My Favourite Cards

Time for little round up of some of my favourite cards for the year starting with one for January through to December

Trying to make a start on my next years DT stuff and getting no where fast! and I think Mr B is on a go slow today- took forever to do this post

you have no idea how long it has taken me to sort this post- Mr B was not playing at all today grrr- I'm off to bed now as back at work tomorrow


misteejay said...

Lovely selection of cards Allison (I think Mr Blogger has been fiddling as there were big gaps that I think should be pics).

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best for 2012.

Toni xx

Allison said...

Mr B is driving me nuts I can't seem to fix this post!!

Debbie said...

A really nice selection there, good idea to have a review of the year in cards! Hope you had a great Christmas.

Debbie x

Vee said...

Fab cards Allison, hope Santa was good to you, looking forward to crafting with you again next year.
xx Vee

Helen Laurence said...

Happy New Year!!

I hope 2012 brings you all the crafty-ness you dream of ;0)

Gorgeous cards hun.

I'm starting the new year with a Half PRice Sale on all my craft products HERE

Hugs Helen x