Friday 6 January 2012

Delicious Doodles

Happy New Year and welcome to the first Delicious Doodles challenge of 2012 and it's all about New Things, so just use anything new on your card.
I used the new Fallen image by Teri along with papers from Funky Hand for my card.
Do hope you can join in this fortnight with us at

Delicious Doodles Challenge

I am going to try and organise myself better this year and be a better blogger and joiner in of challenges- just feel as if the last three months of last year were a bit hectic. The sun has actually made an appearance which makes all the difference, it's a bit depressing when it's dark when you get up, dull all day and then dark when you come home from work.

I've had a couple of days when after taking the dogs out I have done NOTHING at all so I've done that, bored with it now and need to make some plans of crafty stuff to do, household things to get done and plans for the year ahead as I can stop worrying so much about the dogs as Misty is on the mend- her claws are coming in nicely now and starting to wean her off the steroids and Bud is on medication for his Cushings which seems to be helping, just needs regular blood tests to make sure everything is ok with him

Have a good weekend everyone and to those who have been back at work this week then at least it was a short week and it's now the weekend and to those like me who were off this week, enjoy your last couple of days of freedom

Allison X

3 comments: said...

Happy new year to you, and good luck with your planning - make sure it involves LOTS of crafting ;D

Gorgeous card, love what you've done with her wings.

Claire x

Debbie said...

Happy New Year, Allison, lovely card, wishing you well with your challenges.

It is nice to see the sun after all the horrible wind and rain. Glad the dogs are doing OK, it's so worrying when pets are ill :(

I am still off work for a few days, hoping to make the most of it with lots of crafting!

Debbie x

Crystal said...

GORGEOUS card Allison!!!!!