Friday 14 March 2014

Delicious Doodles

The challenge this week at Delicious Doodles is to use mostly green on your project so I used the fabby image  Grotesque Cupidand lovely green papers from Minty Madness download from Funky Hand
What a week I've had- went to see Michael Buble on Sunday and he shook my hand- still can't get over it super excited and am never ever.................ever going to wash my hand...ever....
Dad went in on Wednesday to get his new hip on Wednesday so very busy running up and down to the hospital with very little crafty time at all..............

Allison X


misteejay said...

What a super card - love that image.

Hope everything goes well for your Dad.

Had to giggle at you not washing your hand...I think my colleague would be just the same but unfortunately she couldn't get tickets this time (I won't tell her otherwise she will be very envious).

Toni xx said...

Awesome card. Love your coloring. Prayers for your Dad and your family.
susan s