EEEK- its a photo of me!!!
This was my couple of days I spent with my friend in Edinburgh. I am standing at the meeting point for the ghost walk just across from the city chambers.
We had a wonderful time- stayed in a Premier lodge in the Grass market area just round the corner from the Burke N Hare Lap Dancing Club! And what was so funny was once we got booked in we hadn;t a clue which way to go and wandered about changing direction for ten minutes or so then had to ask someone which direction to the Castle who said- er see that big building up there, that would be the castle! oops
We headed off in that direction and spent hours wandering up and down, having coffee, lunch etc then we made our way to Mary King's Close which is more or less a whole street that was built over the top off to keep the plague from spreading. It was a fantastic tour and the guide was so funny.
Later that night after freshening up and having a refreshment(or two) we made our way back to this location for our Ghost and Ghoulies walk.
this was another wonderful tour and very interesting and informative about Edinburgh history(must say it was the nasty side though) then we made our way down to the Vaults which are reputed to be highly haunted
We then at the end of the two hour tour had a drink and more story telling- it was FAB FAB FAB and again the tour guide was funny and very informative.
Next day we spent eating, drinking coffee, bit of shopping then off to the Castle- spent about 6 hours in the Castle then when we could no longer walk another step we decided to come home- even my blisters have blisters and I feel about ninety years old
Photo of Edinburgh Castle- had to chop about five hundred heads out of the photo- it was very busy and alothough the weather was very cold and overcast it managed not to rain until we were heading home
This last photo is of the famous Mons Meg canon
I would highly recommend a trip to Edinburgh to anyone- there is sooo much to see and do
but do take more comfortable shoes with you than I did
hope everyone had a good Easter- I certainly did
Sounds as if you had a fabulous time ! calvin and i have always wanted to do those ghost walks ! looks a great one !
Hi Allison,
I tried to leave a comment b4 Blogger playing up!!!grrr....
Sounds like you had fun in Edinborough!!!!oooh spooky walks...
`Happy Easter` Have a fab week:)xxx
lovely to see your beautiful face! We did a spooky walk in Edinburgh about 13 years ago - such fun and I ahven't forgotten it
Ooh, yes, those vaults are definately spooky! Edinburgh's a great place to visit - I used to live in the Royal Mile!
Debbie x
Yep they are very spooky! Wish I'd known you were coming being an Edinburger I could have helped out with the directions although it's fair to say the Castle is a pretty predominant sight :)
Carol Ann xx
Hi Hun xx Im back again..tried leaving a comment earlier..but blogger playing up..arrgghhh!
Great pic's hun..sounds like you had a great time...i would love to visit Edinburgh or even they
Looks like you had better weather there thab we've had...only today its stop raining..and the sun has been
Ive had a lovely easter thanks..with lots of eggs..ive only eaten one
Thanks for your lovely comment...Happy Easter to you xxx Hugs Clare xxx
sounds like a fun time Allison! thanks for sharing the pictures and stories...don't you hate when they hide the castles? lol too funny!
Glad you enjoyed your Easter!!!
Blessings, Maria
so glad you had a fun week end playing...hunt the castle and yes the ghosty tour is fabulous...big hugs kath xxxx
Ah - we had our honeymoon there (all 2 days of it!)
Mind you, it wasn't that scary then hehehehe!!
Glad you enjoyed your trip Allison sound like a good time was had by all. Haven't been in Edinburgh for years like you the last time I was there I walked the feet off
I've left an award on my blog for you if you want to hop by...
xx Vee
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