Good afternoon from a rather cold and frosty Scotland today- had to scrape the ice of the car before I could take the dogs to the park this morning.
I must be feeling all Chrsitmassy as I started my shopping when I was out- now what does it say about me the fact I started with the animals!!!!
My first card I made using papers from Funky Hand and some corrugated card and it is for the Just Magnolia anything goes challenge- you can add lace and pearls if you want, so i did
I am also entering it into Allsorts- shaped card challenge
The next two items are for my Funky Hand teamie Ruth's new challenge site Crimbo Crackers card and pillow box are made using the Snow Buddeeze CD from Debbi Moore
And this Chrsitmas bird house is made from the template on the Polka Doodles Candy Doodles CD- don't expect you would find a fairy rabbit in a birdhouse but in my world you do!!!

And here's a little side view

Have a lovely Sunday folks and I might be back later on today with some more makes
Allison X