Tuesday 7 June 2011

Haunted Design House- Macabre Monday

The challenge this week at Macabre Monday is Pleasure and Pain- to use something you love and something you hate

I was naughty and used a few things I love- the swirly paper by Funky hand and theskull from Teri at Delicious Doodles which must be my all time favvy image

I layered up the image and used glossy accents- which I also love with a sprinkling of glitter

And now to the pain.......... peel offs... yukky but at least they are white border strips so hopefully not too yukky then

Am I the only person having a problem with blogger I can only seem to leave about one comment then it keeps asking me to sign in and won't let me... grrrrrr...rrrrr.r


misteejay said...

That is a super image and the soft shade that you've used with this card are lovely.

Toni xx

DonnaMundinger said...

Gorgeous loves, but I have to say, being from the U.S. I totally adore peelies as well. Fabby card, in any case adn thanks for joining us for MM at HDH. xxD

Netty said...

Untick the keep me signed in box and you should be OK.
Beautiful card, definitely bitter sweet. Annette x

Andrea C said...

Gorgeous card and your peeloffs look fantastic regardless of the hate hehe x

blackdragon said...

Hello fellow DD teamie.... i too love this image... and peel offs are a pet hate of mine as well.... but your card is still stunning.
Thanks for playing along with HDH.
love lynx

Unknown said...

OMG - that skull made me bloody jump when I scrolled down. Wasn't expecting that! Having said that - itd does make a pretty card - even though I can't say that i'd like to receive that card! Sends shivers down my spine!

Paula x x x