Thursday 5 January 2012

Haunted Design House- Macabre Monday

It's all about Gothic this week at Macabre Monday and having just made this card from the Debbie Moore Twilight CD it suited the challenge to a tee.
So glad there's nothing on the tv tonight so might actually get some cards made as I've spent the last few days doing nothing very much at all
Allison X


Creepy Glowbugg said...

Beautiful card.

DonnaMundinger said...

Wow is this gorgeous! Especially love the way she's framed. Thanks so much for joining us for MM at HDH. xxD

ike said...

Superb - love the b/w and she is soooo gorgeous. Thank you for joining us at HDH xxxxx

Andrea C said...

Love it, looks fabby and very gothic x

blackdragon said...

Oh yes.... beautiful and gothic... just my thing!
Thank you for joining us at HDH this lynx