Wednesday 6 June 2012

Love at First Bite

The challenge at Macabre Monday this week is all about the tv series True Blood, so I used the gargoyle image and Love at First Bite image from Teri at Delicious Doodles for my card.

It was raining today so managed to have a crafty afternoon and got quite a lot made.  Back to work tomorrow but at least it will be a quick week!

Just spotted a little fox cub making its way through the garden- where is that camera when you need it- think my two regualar foxes Basil and Basilina must have had a little family this year- need to make sure the coast is clear before  I let the dogs out !
Have a lovely Wednesday and you never know I might win the lotto tonight so wouldn't have to go to work.... ah.. if only.....

Allison X


misteejay said...

Great backing paper Allison - just right for this image. Super card.

Toni xx

DonnaMundinger said...

Beautifully done with Teri's awesome image. Great take on the challenge. Thanks for playing along with MM at HTH. xxD

mark gould said...

hi, great card, I love the back ground image. happy crafting, mark

I Don't Do Straight said...

Gorgeous colouring on Teri's image and the background is FAB. Thanks for sharing with us at Haunted Design House this week :)

Croms' Cubby Hole said...

Love your choice of images for this super card Allison and a great idea with the BP. Thankyou for sharing with us at Haunted Design House this week

Anonymous said...

I love the gargoyle backing paper.

Fox cub? Oh so cute...