Friday 1 May 2009

Cuttlebug Spa Weekend, Relax, Rejuvenate, Be Inspired

Welcome to our weekend of relaxation and inspiration- hope you've got plenty of coffee ready and wine for later on so settle down and enjoy the fun.

You should have arrived here from Jenn K's blog and be well on your way to collecting all the flowers.

Tell me how you relax- what do you do to destress and chill?

Me .....I have a few things I do depending on what I am relaxing from.

Sometimes I like nothing better than to disappear into my own little world with my dogs- be it training with them, or just a long walk in the woods or along a beach or even just to snuggle into them and realise how much they mean to me and how much I mean to them.

On other occasions I like to loose myself in my crafting and find that soooo relaxing and before you know it the dinner is burning, housework not done again and a pile of chores still waiting to get done!but at least I've had fun!

Other times I like nothing better than a good old pamper to relax- whether its a massage, Indian head massage etc or just a plain old soak in the bath and a nice smelly candle burning and then a little facial, nail file and polish ,feet up, on the couch, good movie and a glass of wine

So let me know what you do to relax

On to my chosen flower which is a PANSY.

I think they are so lovely and are such hardy little plants and often survive freezing conditions.

They are very fragrant and edible and are high in Vitamin A and C and the flowers can be used to make syrup, flavoured honey and salads.

They are also useful a dye and were used by the Greeks as a herbal medicine.

So collect my PANSY and now hop off to the

wonderful Mrs J's blog .......HERE
to continue with your flower search and good luck with the many wonderful prizes that are up for grabs this weekend and don't miss all the wonderful fun and tutorials etc
Thanks for dropping by and see you soon


Creative Mayhem said...

Also one of my favs!!! The color of this one is outstanding. Thanks so much!

Kath Stewart said...

yes one of my favourites too and I love their little cute faces...Hugs Kath xxxxx

Wanda said...

I Love the pansy's I always plant them every year. Thanks for doing the blog hop
Lots of Hugs

rudie2shoes said...

I relax by doing some paper crafting. It gives me such joy and alone time needed after working a full day. :) I've subbed to you thru google reader as well. Thanks!

java diva said...

I didn't know that about pansies! I just knew they were hearty because I'd come home from work to find them wilted, and just some water would perk them right up!

jeanie de la rama said...

i scrap to relax. and eat and sleep too. :)

ellen s. said...

i have two flats of pansies ready to be planted!

Meda said...

I love pansies too, but I didn't know they have so many other qualities.

Ellen said...

I like your flower, very colorful!
I relax by doing some scrapping.


Mimi said...

I love how one petal is always larger...I wonder why.
To relax, I enjoy reading a good book!

Anonymous said...

Pansy's are such a pretty flower. I love the picture of the red one....gorgeous!

I love to cuttle up on the couch with a cup of hot coffee with music playing to relax. Ahhhh the joy! >:0)

joni said...

Love to relax by walking...with my dog...and my Zune! Happy NSD!!!

Unknown said...

Being a mom of two...relaxing and chilling is a great book, a warm bath, or just that quiet time during nap time :) Gotta love those quick moments :)

Julie said...

loving pansies too

JillyBelly said...

pansies are one of my faves! im following your blog allison ;) thanks!

silvia said...

OOOO!!! Beautiful pansy!!

Unknown said...

I have called these puppy dog flowers since i was a little girl. They bring such sweet memories

Anonymous said...

Hi Alisson..
I sit on my heat massage chair..then get a hot jaccuzzi bath...
Fab way to relax!!!I am following!!!
Have a great weekend:)♥
`Thanks`:)for a great Blog Hop

Made by Mandy said...

Pansy's are so cute, they look like they have little faces on them.

I love to relax by making cards. I also had a go in a relaxation tank at a health farm, that was brilliant and I was totally chilled out when I came out.

Carol said...

Hope the weekend goes o.k. Allison...Pansies are gorgeous aren't dear old Dad used to grow hundreds of them :)

Carol x

Liz said...

got beautiful purple pansys for Easter!

Stampnms said...

I like a pedicure to relax, nothing like a little foot massage to relax you.

anne2411 stempelträume said...

ich mag auch die Stiefmütterchen,
habe sie auf meinem Balkon gepflanzt.
Relexe bei einem guten buch oder am pc bei eurem cuttelbug challenge.

glg anne

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the education on the pansy.
Linda Peterson

stampinsueco said...

What a beautiful color of pansy. You so often see the purple ones, I sometimes forget there are red ones.

akagreenhouse said...

Pansies are my favorite flower!

Tifany said...

I like to just be alone to relax...doesn't happen often with three little kids!

Anonymous said...

The dependable pansy for every window view in the spring. Love it.

MoniqueAnne said...

I love to sleep and watch tv with my hubby to relax -- something I don't get to do a lot of as a medical student.

I'm a follower of your blog now!

Regina said...

love your work...I love to escape to my scrap room to relax!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I have eaten some pansy's at teas and it is amazing to do this. I love the many colors they have.

Tina Mayo said...

I de stress with a hot bath..or my crafting without children and relaxing music..and today it is Thunder storming so that helps too.

Colleen's Crafty Constructions said...

I love the pansy and have since I was a kid! I used to try to press them under whatever I could find and would make my dad plant at least a hundred of them!

Daniela Dobson said...

I love to watch tv or read a magazine or both :)

Eveline said...

Lovely flower. I have so many favorite flowers and this one is one of them.

Sue said...

I love the pansies they remind me of my Grandmas garden, spring time, lots of nice memories. I relax by taking a nice hot bath followed by putting on my jammies!

Great flower tutorial by the way

xx Sue

Linda said...

The pansy is such a pretty flower that I have in my garden every year...I especially like the purple ones. I do most of my relaxing when I am being creative in my little space.

connie said...

I became a follower. I love to take bubble baths and read to relax.

lisa808 said...

I especially like the purple pansies. I like to read for relaxation. I'm now a follower. Thanks for the fun hop.

Anonymous said...

What a beutiful example of a pansy!

Colleen said...

Panseys are just so beautiful. Thanks for being apart of the blog hop.

Arlene B. said...

Pansies are my favourite flower too! Love the variety of colours and their sunny faces always happy. For me to relax I have a cup of tea or hot chocolate, a good book and comfy clothes with no time pressures.

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

A sure sign of spring is a blooming pansy in my garden. Lovely choice.

rlovew said...

I love to curl up with a book to relax or design something.

Calie said...

I loved you cards! They are all so beautiful!

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

My pansies are just starting to pop up, they are such a fun flower, thanks for the fun blog hop!

Mandy said...

I love your cards.

Cheryl said...

I love putting out pansies in the fall. Very cheerful colors. Sometimes making cards is not relaxing that is when I switch to my genealogy!

Kay D said...

I've always loved pansies. They just look so happy all the time, with their little smiling faces.
I'm now following your blog; thanks for the hop!

FroggieStamps said...

I didn't know you could eat Pansys...maybe I'll have to try some day, hah!! :)

Chloe said...

To relax, I like to snuggle in bed and read a paper-crafting magazine. I also love hot stone massages!!! Mmm!

Enjoy the Spa Weekend!

Esther said...

I find the pansy quite fascinating! Thanks for a great stop on the blog hop :)

Helen F. said...

Such a beautiful photo of this magnificent flower...I have decorated cakes with pansies. It is also the flower of "Friendship" - maybe that's because they are so hardy and lasting :o? Thanks for the tour of your site on the Blog Hop.

Sharon said...

I have not seen pansies in years. I just to plant them all the time. I have a very hectic schedule so to relax I just try to chill during my down time.

Jennifer Hansen said...

Loving of the inspiration!

jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com

Mary Jean said...

sitting back and enjoying my puppers is my favorite way to relax!

Debra Johnson-King said...

This is a beautiful flower. It would look stunning on a card

Denise said...

Very very pretty. My mother LOVES pansies.

A good chic flic and a glass of wine is what I like to do to relax.

Amber said...

I love the pansy Allison, I think it is the PERFECT flower!! And I couldn't agree more with you, relaxing with my doggies is the best, they are such wonderful stress relief and always make me smile. What's better than unconditional love!

Sandra Korten said...

Hi Allison, I love to snuggle up on the sofa with a good book!
great blog! I've become a follower!
Sandra :-)

Katarina said...

The flowers are so cute - great on the balcony.

I usually take a bath to relax. I always waste my energy running around the house doing chores that by the time I'm done (-ish) I'm too tired to craft. The bath keeps me in one place and I can't run around doinh "just this" and "just that" lol.

Girlsinthecraft said...

love your slide show; especially loving the skull card :) deanna

Brenda said...

That red Pansy is fantastic. I've never!!! seen a red one.

I love to relax in my big backyard swing and watch the birds, bees, and wildlife that comes to my garden.

Ramona said...

Thank U for this fun Blog Hop weekend. This is one of my favs too.

Carol Ann said...

I do like Pansy's too they come in some really gorgeous colours. If I'm not crafting I like to relax by reading quite often last thing at night x

GretaB said...

My favorite way to relax is by taking a hot sauna. Nothing beats it! Otherwise, I like to curl up under blankets and read a book. Thanks for the fun!

Reneeromero said...

Beautiful pics

Sue McRae said...

I agree that Pansies are hardy flowers that keep blooming when all others have died.

Sharon "Sassy" Butler said...

I love to stamp to relax!

Diane said...

Thank you Allison

Chrisd said...

Love those perky pansies!

Picture This said...

The pretty pansy! I relax with a margarita and a good book in a bubble bath.

Chrisd said...

Oops forgot to tell you what I like to do... there is nothing like watching a classic movie on TV. My latest favorites... Audrey Hepburn movies like Sabrina or Roman Holiday. Ahhh
Hugs from Mich.

Foxcraft said...

To relax and chill out I craft or I soak in a deep warm bubble bath or I do what I am doing now, I blog hop with a glass of something chilled!

Melissa said...

thanks for hosting can't wait to stop back later I would like to try the basic grey challange. This is how i relax scrapbooking. -Melissa

Dawnll said...

I am really relaxing by blog hopping, I am learning and seeing so many new things. What a great way to relax!

sandyh said...

i like walking with my shepherd, bubby. i can get inside my head while i am still out in the world!

Traicee said...

Pansies are in full bloom here and are so beautiful! I have a flower box full of them by the front door. Thanks for being part of the blog hop!

*BJ* said...

Pansys are fun flowers..

Debbie said...

Pansys were one of my grandma's favorites. I like that they are cold hardy - it's amazing to see their little faces in the snow!

samiam said...

I love the pansy. It may be because it is the only thing I can grow

Maureen Morton said...

Hi, Alyson! What a beautiful website; most inspiring! Thanks for it and all this great fun!

Shauna K said...

to relax I enjoy just spending time with my husband, doing anything really :)

Tinchen said...

to day my relaxing was hopping the blogs an take an Bath with nice music

Vivi Martínez said...

I start this blog with the idea of just have fun... however, I am at the same time learning a lot about flowers.

Melissa Kaye said...

I love that you chose a unique colored pansy for your picture! I always like the unique.

Joy Tracey said...

Love the pansy! They are so hardy!

gram2three said...

I didn't know pansies were used for dye purposes. I am learning so much. This is what is relaxing to me. Don't get much housework done when I am doing this. I love to scrapbook. Thanks for this weekend.

Sue said...

Just dropped in to say hi ScrapinNannyof5

fresh as a daisy said...

I relax by watching a movie and eating some ice cream with my hubby!! Good times!

kreativeimagination said...

Loving the hop. Happy NSD!
Have a great weekend.

LISA said...

One of my favorite ways to relax is with a good book.

Ladybug said...

I love pansies, too! :-) We always have them in our garden!

Your cards on the slide show are really cute! TFS!!

Christi said...

I love your cards! The slide show is great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison :)
Pansies are so pretty & sweet.
Great blog Allison

KerrynF said...

I love your cards, fabulous designs. I love having pansies in my garden.

JanetintheJaw said...

My Mom's favorite flower was the Pansy too! Hardy and tough yet a fun adn playful flower too! Happy NSD!

Bev Gerard said...

Ahhhh, the gorgeous Pansy! There are still a few blooming in this area ... but will soon succumb to the harsh heat to follow.
Relax? Give me a hot tub of bubbles and a big glass of cold water to sip while I'm indulging!


jinxi~ aka angi said...

A pedicure always makes me relax! I wish I could get them weekly.

My moms favorite flower is the pansy!

Chrissie said...

Pansies always look so friendly don't they!
I love to listen to sensous music to relax.
I'm now a follower.Chrissie

cottagerca said...

Listening to music always works for me to relax. A good movie works too.

Daintry said...

I like quiet time to relax, free of my sometimes not so adorable little three year old. :) Love Pansy's for decorating cakes! You can sugar them with a bit of egg white to hold the sugar and it looks super fancy with no real work! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Inkerbelle said...

You have a JRT? We have five JRT's and just love them! When I say we have five of them, people think I'm crazy, but I honesty love their energy and high spirit.

To relax I love to read, craft and putter in the garden. I have to be careful though...I have one little female JRT who also likes to dig in the garden. In some instances she'd dug up what I've planted!

Nancy D. said...


Tracey Taylor said...

Another FAV!!

Carol Barr said...

Pansys are a great flower. We can have them in the winter in my area. They look cute peeking out of the snow.

I relax by crafting with my 5 yr old grandaughter. She loves to crank the handle on the cuttlebug. It is such a delight to see the look on her face when the finished product comes through.

Make yourself a GREAT day!

Lisa McDowell said...

Aren't all the flowers beautiful....????

Britta Swiderski said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. :)

Patricia St Martin said...

That pansy in red is beautiful.

DI said...

love those smiley faces

Gloria said...

I love a nice walk to relax and watching pansy bloom may be another one. so far I have loved all the flowers and want some in my flower beds.

Unknown said...

And I have eaten a pansy or two in my time! Although I'd much rather leave them in the garden...

Sheila D said...

One of our hardy plants here is a pansy. Will be planting mine soon. I didn't know you could eat them. Not sure if I'm that brave. I'm kind of a picky eater.

Shelley said...

I relax with a cup of tea and my craft magazines or books (or blog hopping as I'm now doing, lol). Pansies are also one of my all-time favourite flowers with their sunny faces. They remind me of my Gramma who used to love them too and gave me my first pillowcases and towel set with pansies all over them. ~ Shelley

Brianna B said...

Pretty flower! I like to relax by any means-as long as its doesnt involve cleaning or driving! :) Wanna go to the beach..mmm

Allison Cope said...

Gotta love the smiling bibs of the pretty pansy!

bevyb said...

I love to plant Pansys in my window boxes for the spring..I relax by either doing craft projects, or being a couch potato and watching a good movie enjoying the blog hop...Thanks for doing it.

Nancy G. said...

I planted pansies this year in a pot right out side my door. They make me think if Disney's Alice in Wonderland.

Susan said...

reading is very relaxing to me

Rona said...

Great relaxing blog hopping! And I've gotten some great tips that I will definately be trying!! Happy NSD weekend

Betty J Schaub said...

pansies are great flowers they can take a frost....

Rebecca Keppel said...

Beautiful pansy!

Brittany Kohl said...

I love your flower too. I'm actually planting some with my 2 yr old next weekend. My favorite thing to do to destress/chill is scrapbook/make cards. I just seem to float to my happy place when I get to be crafty.

Charo said...

Great projects!

Kim Marie said...

They are beautiful flowers...and I had no ideas they could be used as a dye! Wow!
THanks for the hop!
Kim Marie

SanDslnrs said...

I love to relax by soaking in the tub, and also when I have time to work on my scrapbooking and knitting that really helps me to chill out.

Thanks for doing the blog hop!